Click on the titles to know more
"Au-delà de la virtuosité", La Liberté, 30.11.24
Interview for the release of the Dall'Abaco album.
"Politik ist wie Kammermusik", Die Weltwoche, 19.12.24
Interview for the release of the Dall'Abaco album.
"Estelle Revaz entre violoncelle et politique", Le Nouvelliste, 13.12.24
Interview for the release of the Dall'Abaco album.
"Saltimbanque utrladouée", Elle, 01.11.24
Portrait on the occasion of the release of Dall'Abaco.
"Die Schweizer Cellistin Estelle Revaz", Das Opernglas, 01.11.24
Extended review to coincide with the release of Dall'Abaco.
"Die Nationalrätin spielt auf Weltklasseniveau Cello", Luzerner Zeitung, 07.12.24
Portrait on the occasion of the release of Dall'Abaco.
"J'ai toujours eu confiance en mon rêve", La Tribune de Genève, 26.07.24
Interview dans le cadre de la série : "Ces genevois qui ont percé".
"L'interview d'Estelle Revaz", Elle Suisse, 12.10.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"La force du témoignage", Le Courrier, 06.09.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"Une simple citoyenne peut faire bouger les lignes", L'Illustré, 06.10.23
"La politique, c'est de la musique", Fémina, 03.09.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"Estelle Revaz, la saltimbanque", La Tribune de Genève, 08.09.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"Archet au poing", Le Temps, 15.09.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"La saltimbanque des pas perdus", Le Carougeois, 24.08.23
"Du violoncelle à la politique", Le Cafetier, 08.09.23
Interview about La saltimbanque.
"Une saltimbanque au Palais fédéral", Journal de Veyrier, 04.10.23
Portrait dans le cadre de la sortie du livre La saltimbanque (Éd. Slatkine).
"La politique, c’est comme une toile de Klimt", Le Matin Dimanche, 14.05.23
"La voix des artistes dans le monde politique", Le Quotidien jurassien, 05.08.23
"C’est un sujet central", Le Nouvelliste, 12.12.22
"La passion violoncelle", Paris Match, 07.10.2022
"Récit d'une tournée", Matin Dimanche, 07.08.2022
Diary of a cello road trip in Latin America.
"Estelle Revaz se relance", Le Temps, 10.06.2022
"Le violoncelle c'est sa vie", Coopération, June 2022
"Estelle rêva", L'Agenda, May 2022
Interview about Inspiration populaire.
"Nouveau disque", Le Nouvelliste, 29.04.2022
"Au bout de moi-même", Générations, April 2022
"Si je vous dis culture?", Le Nouvelliste, 22.02.2022
"Mon violoncelle...", L'Illustré, 22.12.2021
About 2021.
"Je me sens suissesse quand...", L'Illustré, 01.08.2021
Interview about Switzerland.
"Champéry: le havre de paix d'Estelle Revaz", Le Nouvelliste, 07.08.2021
About Les Rencontres Musicales de Champéry.
"Estelle Revaz, Viaje en la Ginebra musical", Ritmo, April 2021
About Journey to Geneva.
"Des scènes musicales aux pas perdus", Le Temps, 15.03.2021
About Journey to Geneva.
"Une âme de combattante", La Liberté, 20.02.2021
About Journey to Geneva.
"On ne va pas mourir sans se battre!", Illustré, February 2021
About Journey to Geneva.
"Le violoncelle d’Estelle Revaz", Tribune de Genève, 13.02.2021
About Journey to Geneva.
"La guerrière à l’archet hausse le ton", Nouvelliste, 01.02.2021
Portrait published within the framework of Journey to Geneva.
"Une âme de combattante", Le Courrier, 29.01.2021
Portrait published within the framework of Journey to Geneva.
"Estelle Revaz se démène", Le Matin Dimanche, 24.01.2021
Portrait published within the framework of Journey to Geneva.
"Wie ein Leuchtturm im dunklen Meer", 03.11.2020
Reviews within the framework the Pro Nota Concerts.
"Estelle Revaz s’accroche aux notes cet été", Le Nouvelliste, 28.04.2020
Interview about the lockdown.
"Estelle Revaz, le violoncelle du partage", Le Temps, 19.11.2019
Interview about the Fugato CD.
"Estelle Revaz toujours fidèle à Champéry", Le Nouvelliste, 02.08.2019
Interview within the framework of the Rencontres Musicales de Champéry.
"Sur le chemin ardu des fugues romantiques", 24 Heures, 25.05.2019
Profile within the framework of Fugato.
"Un grand bijou sous son archet", La Tribune de Genève, 15.01.19
Interview within the framework of the residency at the Geneva Chamber Orchestra.
"Estelle Revaz en la temporada de Conciertos del Este”, September 2018
Interview in Sinfonica.
"Le nouveau Roi Soleil d'Estelle Revaz", Le Nouvelliste, 04.08.2018
Interview within the framework of the Rencontres Musicales de Champéry.
"Dialogues musicaux", Le Quotidien Jurassien, 30.07.2018
Interview within the framework of the Festival Piano à St. Ursanne,
"Estelle Revaz dévore la vie en musique", Le Temps, 05.03.2018
By Sylvie Bonier about Bach&Friends.
"Estelle Revaz", Le Matin Dimanche, 23.07.2017
By Jean-Jacques Roth about Bach&Friends and Gstaad Menuhin Festival.
"Vous avez dit festival? La fête de l'été?", Le Nouvelliste, 19.07.2017
Within the framework of "Mon festival à moi".
"Un violoncelle qui enjambe le temps", La Tribune de Genève, 02.06.2017
Portrait by Rocco Zacheo about Bach&Friends.
"Everybody talks about... Estelle Revaz", L'Illustré, 10.05.2017
Portait about Estelle Revaz and her Bach&Friends CD.
"Eine Solo-CD ermöglicht eine Innenschau", Pizzicato, 30.03.2017
Portrait by Remy Franck.
"Un festival à la fois exigeant et convivial", Le Vendredi, July 2017
Portrait within the framework of the Rencontres Musicales de Champéry 2017.
"Estelle Revaz, Archet romantique", Le Nouvelliste, 04.03.2017
Portrait with pictures about Bach&Friends.
"Cello-Geschichten zu Schweizer Bildern", Musik & Theater, July 2016
Portrait with photos.
"L'ouverture d'esprit pour credo", Le Nouvelliste, 17.08.2015
Portrait and review published within the framework of the Sion Festival.
"Estelle Revaz, surprendre le public", L'Hebdo, 07.05.2015
Portrait published within the framework of the "Forum des 100", 100 personalities who represent the future of Switzerland.
"Verbier, Musique en fête", Le Nouvelliste, 26-27.07.2014
Interview published within the framework of the Verbier Festival 2014.
Portrait : Estelle Revaz, Scènes Magazine, February 2014
Portrait published within the framework of the concert at the "Théâtre du Martolet" with the "Orchestre des Pays de Savoie" directed by Nicolas Chalvin.
"La Belle et le violoncelle", Le Nouvelliste, 18.12.2013
Interview published within the framework of the concert at the "Fondation Gianadda" with the "Orchestre des Jeunes de la Suisse Romande" and the "Quatuor Sine Nomine".
"La vie à la pointe de l'archet", Le Nouvelliste, 21.08.2012
Interview published during the Festival "St.Prex Classics" Festival within the framework of the concert with Gautier Capuçon.
"Jamais sans son violoncelle", La Tribune de Genève, 14.06.2012
Portrait with photos.
"Les prodiges épatent St-Prex", Journal 24 Heures, 20.08.2011
Article and photo published during the Festival "St.Prex Classics" Festival.
"Sa valise lui sert de maison", Magazine Coopération, 31.08.2010
Portrait with numerous photos.
Revue de presse DE Journey to Geneva
"Jouer n'est pas un jeu", Le Nouvelliste, 16.04.2009
Article and photo published within the framework of a concert for the association " Les Jeunesses Culturelles de Martigny".
As part of the Phoenix, December 2024
Recital Dall'Abaco
“At the Phénix, cellist Estelle Revaz delivered flamboyant virtuosity.
Virtuosity, between triple strings and hallucinated vocalizations, is flamboyant. All the while remaining perfectly elegant. The cellist overflows with generosity when she plays, her cello breathes, it breathes, from intense lows to luminous highs. At the time of the Caprices, at the end of the 18th century, the cello was not yet lyrical. But Estelle Revaz exploits its formidable expressive potential, between dynamic contrasts, natural agogics, timbral colors, power, fiery temperament as well as playfulness.”
La Liberté
As part of the opening concert at Théâtre La Poste, Visp, October 2024
Haydn Concerto in C with Musique des Lumières
“Estelle Revaz performed the work, which begins moderato with almost singable motifs for both the orchestra and the solo instrument, very expressively and powerfully, with a noble tone in the high registers. She convinced here and also in the second movement Adagio with a cadenza of her own, which really proved her musical empathy and her technical sovereignty. It was the second movement in particular that she helped to achieve poetry and grandeur through her wonderful legatos and nuanced, sensitive tone. The final movement, Allegro molto, also attained particular splendor. Soloist Revaz performed it with astounding virtuosity and agility – and rightly received enthusiastic applause from the audience. She thanked them with a duo piece by Jan Sibelius, which she performed together with concertmaster Joel Bardolet. Thank you!”
Walliser Bote
Within the framework of Pro Nota Concerts, june 2024
Recital Dall'Abaco
“Estelle Revaz impressively demonstrated how vividly, variedly and finely she had prepared these solo pieces. From the very first Caprice, she savored every note, playing the first version of a motif clearly and radiantly, the repeats delicately blown out. She played the 2nd Caprice very freely and capriciously, with refined nuances. In the 3rd, she took the time to play the trills with pleasure and to organize the chord breaks freely and whimsically. She played the 6th caprice with loving dance, while the 7th flowed quietly like a two- or three-part sarabande. No. 8 was a joyful, dancing minuet rondo, while No. 9 was themed around quick, whimsical chord breaks, toccata-style. The 10th Caprice sounded calm and dance-like, captivating with its development of different melodic lines. But the highlight was the 11th Caprice, the only one in which the tempo change to “Presto” is prescribed. This dramatic and varied piece thus became a veritable hunt on the neck, with lightning-fast figures and, despite everything, savory trills. Estelle Revaz plays with obvious pleasure for the music and the cello itself. Her precise, expressive playing held the audience spellbound, eliciting enthusiastic cheers that didn't let up until she played three encore pieces: the Gigue from J.S. Bach's 3rd Cello Suite, fiercely energetic, and the Prelude, beautifully soft and flowing, meditative. With the Sarabande, breathtakingly intimate, she rounded off a cello recital that was enchanting in every way."
Grafschafter Nachrichten
Within the framework of Pro Nota Concerts, November 2020
Recital Bach&Friends
"As mentioned in the program, Estelle Revaz is an internationally renowned cellist. This was confirmed thanks to a particular sovereignty in her performance. She interpreted each movement of Bach's 3rd Suite with a great deal of nuance and relief. The perfect conduct of her phrases, the good sense of her rubati and the huge palette of her dynamics gave a new brilliance to pieces that are, after all, very well known. And with what intensity she took us in a plunge into a totally different musical world!
Modes of musical expression have multiplied today. Bach's Prelude was followed by Zimmermann's dazzling solitude, underlined by surprising changes in playing modes (with use of bow wood, hairs, pizzicati). With Berio, the Allemande was confronted with a slower musical approach, a changing articulation and phrasing. Gubaidulina used the eighth notes of the Courante in a very transparent way. As an extension of the Sarabande, which is the serious piece of the Suite, Estelle Revaz proposed Kurtag's Az-hit, a piece whose elocution is almost pleasant for the instrument. The virtuosity of the artist was found in the last two correspondences. Les Bourrées ended with a work by Lutoslawski based on the Sacher motif, which is suddenly interrupted several times. And following the Gigue, Ligeti's Capriccio, which honors Paganini. Estelle Revaz's interpretation was just as brilliant!
The artist had asked not to applaud between the different pieces. Suddenly, at the end of the evening, the public was able to let its enthusiasm explode with a Standing Ovation. Estelle Revaz proposed an encore Sarabande but since the applause did not want to end, she offered a second encore, a Prelude, which is one of her favorite pieces."
Grafschafter Nachrichten
Within the framework of Rencontres Musicales de Champéry, July 2020
Triple concerto by Beethoven
"The moment Beethoven seizes the stage, with the entrance of the soloists of his Triple Concerto for violin, cello and piano - respectively Alexandra Corunova, Estelle Revaz and François-Frédéric Guy, who assumes the direction from his keyboard -, a communicative vitality animates this magnificent musical evening. The full-toned and generous sound of the Ensemble Microcosme seems to metamorphose, electrified by the cohesion and musical intelligence of the three soloists. Infiltrated by the exuberant vision of the French pianist, undisputed specialist of Beethoven, the divertimento concertante takes on a theatrical dimension, offering each protagonist, including the orchestra, an essential role in the palpitating drama with which the Viennese maestro sings the joy of existence. The bold propositions of the director, emphasized by the expressive urgence of his interventions on the piano, instill in the trio of soloists a jubilatory intensity supported by the unsurpassed virtuosity of the two bows. Worthy of admiration is the infinite musical pallete and inventive phrasing of the Valaisan cellist Estelle Revaz, whose fiery virtuosity is strongly mobilized by the unbridled tempo of the finale. An arrogant finale alla polacca, also given as an encore with 'panache'!"
Within the framework of Hohenloher KultursommerFestival, June 2019
Solo Recital
"During the first 50 minutes, soloist Estelle Revaz performed two of the six Suites for solo cello by Johann Sebastian Bach, her intensity growing with every movement until the grandiose finale just before the interlude. She paid homage to some very demanding pieces with a great deal of spirit, power and skill. With an atmosphere that was deeply moving, and at times even celestial, the second part of the concert was the climax of the program. Revaz easily switched between baroque and modern aesthetics, and the enthusiastic audience gave a standing ovation to a performance of the highest order.
A superlative, passionate presentation of Bach and his Friends."
Hohenloher Zeitung
Within the framework of Diemersteiner Konzertreihe, March 2019
Solo Recital
"Austrian-Swiss cellist Estelle Revaz demonstrated great mastery of her instrument, and proved to be a wonderful narrator – not only through her instrument and performance of J.S. Bach’s Suite No.3 (BWV 1009), but also through her stories and the information about her cello (a 1679 Grancino) and the Bach Suites. Revaz generated as much enthusiasm with the poignant and passionate dialogue she established with the audience as she did with the sounds from her cello."
Die Rheinpfalz
Within the framework of the Chant de la Terre, March 2019
Solo Recital
"This young musician gave an illuminating presentation of her musical choices, and we must pay tribute to her talent for educating audiences. Her virtuoso, meditative performance was delivered with commitment, emphasizing declamation and storytelling (...) The audience was both surprised and delighted, and acclaimed Revaz’s rich expression and her magnificent 17th century instrument with enthusiasm."
Le Télégramme
Within the framework of the Variations Musicales de Tannay, August 2016
Concerto by Schumann
"This young soloist’s gift for detaching herself from the orchestra won her audience over from the outset... in spite of her obvious understanding with the orchestra’s solo cellist. With exemplary precision, her playing came very close to singing, punctuated in the same way by the performer’s breathing. (...) Revaz plays with great artistic involvement and a musical perception which is particularly moving. What superb phrasing! She inhabits her bow with magnificent intensity, and attracts a great deal of acclaim."
Within the framework of the Cully Classic, June 2015
Solo recital
"At a packed out 'Steinway Lounge – Hug Musique’ concert, Estelle Revaz projected her name to the top of the list of future greats. Revaz performs movements from Bach’s Suite No.3 with refreshing simplicity, alternating these with short pieces from the 20th century – a juxtaposition which reveals striking parallels."
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Within the framework of the Festival International de Colmar, July 2015
Trio concert
"For its first lunchtime concert at the Koïfhus (Old Customs House), the Colmar International Festival showcased three young, talented instrumentalists just starting out on fine careers. [...] The program reached cruising speed in duo format: Robert Schumann’s three Fantasy Pieces for cello and piano op.73 with Estelle Revaz provided an occasion for some very spacious aerial duos/duels, in which the strings sang easily as they responded to the momentum of the unconstrained piano. The trio for clarinet, cello and piano in A minor op.114 is a work from the last years of Johannes Brahms’ life. In this piece, where time occasionally seems to stand still (allegro alla breve) and then becomes stretched (adagio), listening determined the playing: with mutual respect, the musicians observed each other before opening their dialogue and expressed themselves clearly and effectively, allowing cohesion and brio to follow naturally... until the final allegro, tormented and agitated but always bright, and perhaps even more expressive when it returned for the encore. This ‘end of the 80s’ generation is without doubt one to be reckoned with, and fast."
Within the framework of the CANTIQUE Tour, Basel, January 2015
Schelomo by Bloch and Pitture by Pflüger
"The audience celebrated the brilliant young Swiss soloist Estelle Revaz in this innovative
Basler Zeitung
Within the framework of the CANTIQUE Tour, Delémont, January 2015
Schelomo by Bloch and Pitture by Pflüger
"Facundo Agudin, the astute visionary and passionate director, invited some of the finest musicians for this impressive Swiss project produced in the country four times. CANTIQUE is the word that unifies three composers selected for their pictorial visions projected in their own personal art form. And to what effects! Ernest Bloch created the emotion, poignantly brought to us by Estelle Revaz's cello. [...] A complex work by the prolific contemporary composer Andreas Pflüger entitled Pitture completed the program with seven pages conveying his vision of seven paintings by artists including Segantini and Klee. It had virtually everything music permits: Subtle rhythm, unbridled abundance, Big Bang energy, diffracted mass, and the theory of music taken apart. This is a piece requiring ready firepower and finesse in equal measures, across every register. They all executed the music brilliantly. Estelle Revaz was so involved – a gripping performance."
Le Quotidien Jurassien
Within the framework of Festival Begegnungen, November 2014
Recital with Naré Karoyan
"The Festival Begegnungen ended with an evening of chamber music, during which Estelle Revaz and Nare Karoyan captivated the audience with works including Chopin’s Cello Sonata, Beethoven’s Cello Sonata No.4, and Brahms’ Cello Sonata No.2. Performances of Grave by Lutoslawski and Pohadka by Janacek were also opportunities to admire their great inventiveness. An enthusiastic audience discovered a duo able to forge a path between tradition and modernity with supreme skill."
Allgemeine Zeitung
Following a concert in Le Lieu (Switzerland), January 2014
Duo with Naré Karoyan
"Estelle Revaz and Naré Karoyan: all the charm of the cello.
The opening night concert of the Rencontres Culturelles made it possible to discover a feminine duo at the summit of their art. Two young virtuosi, whose reputation has already gone beyond frontiers... That was a grand moment.
The delivery offered by the two musicians was breath-taking, causing enthusiastic and unexpected applause at the end of Shostakovitch's second movement of the Sonata opus 40. This young duo has surprised all with its high level of musicianship. If Estelle Revaz, already crowned by numerous prizes, can magnificently master her superb instrument, the pianist Naré Karoyan was impressive by the quality of her playing, her precision and her sensibility underscoring the themes, without ever covering the cellist.
The cohesion and sensibility that they abundantly showed, brought about the success they amply deserve.”
Feuille d’Avis de la Vallée de Joux
Following a concert in Delémont (Switzerland), March 2013
Concertos by Haydn et Darbellay
"Musique des Lumières knows how to marry intertwine classic and modern.
In PRANAM IV, Concerto for cello and orchestra by Jean-Luc Darbellay, the cello is fierce, treated in all its forms. The young Estelle Revaz grasps it, embraces it with passion, showing a potential for extraordinary virtuosity and musicality.
The Haydn cello Concerto in C Major is a monument of virtuosity and that is why it suited Estelle Revaz perfectly, who - 10 years ago at age 13 - had chosen her way. We were fortunate to hear her, as her career takes her already to the four corners of the earth."
Daily Jurassien
Following the Argentine Tour, April 2012
Solo recital
"The young Swiss cellist Estelle Revaz played brilliantly The Bach Suites for Solo Cello, and that concert was one of the best during the Festival Internacional Música Clásica por los Caminos
del Vino 2012."
Following the Argentine Tour, April 2012
Solo recital
“Those for whom music is like a caress of the soul, listened in ecstasy to Estelle Revaz as she played her cello like an Angel in the heart of the Cave Atamisque. The young 22 years old musician, succeeded and got several standing ovations from a very diverse audience: Mexicans, Americans, Dutch and other various nationalities, Argentines from all provinces and particularly at this concert, many inhabitants of Mendoza itself. Adults, young people and children were there to admire this new, remarkable talent from Switzerland.”
Following a concert in Lohn (Germany), January 2012
Recital with Fan Yang
"The Swiss cellist Estelle Revaz, only 22 years old, presented afterwards the Hungarian Rhapsody as well as The Dance of the Elves of Popper, which are masterpieces of the cello repertory. However, that it did not seem to pose any problem for the young cellist. It is with a smile that she conquered all technical difficulties and her entire playing was illuminated by a charismatic sort of aura. With ease, she mastered The Dance of the Elves and bestowed to that piece all its brilliant elegance."